About the course
How to use this course
Course overview
Click on each of the sections below to begin watching the course videos.
This week will guide learners through the basic concepts of how optical sensors acquire data, the underlying science that underpins and enables this, and examples of key missions and emerging technologies.
This week will look in more depth at the role and methodologies of optical EO in environmental monitoring, and will begin to introduce specific case studies of applications in areas such as deforestation and land use and water management.
This week will delve into more detailed case studies on how optical EO is enabling critical observations of climate change impacts in real world contexts, and how this is supporting decision-making.
This week will look at the applications of Optical EO in monitoring short-term changes in the landscape and in human activity, including natural disasters and humanitarian crises.
This final week of the course will consolidate learning from the previous weeks and will use a case-study approach to provide practical guidance on using different types of optical data products.
Course developed by Imperative Space for ESA
® Imperative Space / ESA, 2018